Австралиец Lachlan Buchanan сыграет персонажа по имени Дункан, с которым девочки знакомятся пытаясь выяснить некторые секреты Элисон. Появится по краней мере в 2х эпизодах.
Торри ДеВитто (жена Пола Уэсли, который исполняет роль Стэфана) сыграет в сериале "Дневники вампира" молодого врача, которая будет заинтригована способностью Аларика к быстрому выздоровлению. Она появится в серии 3x10 и 3x11, но возможно что и дальше продолжит играть свою роль.
In the January premiere of “Pretty Little Liars” entitled “Through Many Dangers, Toils and Snares,” airing Monday, January 2nd (8:00 – 9:00 PM ET/PT), it picks up a month later in the town of Rosewood after the four Liars were caught by police. Fans can relive many twists and turns of “A’s” game in an all-day “Pretty Little Liars” marathon starting at 11:00 AM (ET/PT) and running up to the one-hour premiere at 8:00 PM (ET/PT).
A month has passed on “Pretty Little Liars” since Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer were arrested and a lot has changed in Rosewood, and with the girls. No longer the mighty four best friends, the Liars are at each others’ throats and Emily has been iced out completely. But what could have divided them so severely? Has “A” finally won the game of divide and conquer? With Emily now truly on her own, is she ripe for “A’s” picking?
Thanksgiving- 1 : the act of giving thanks 2 : a prayer expressing gratitude 3 a : a public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness
— Thanksgiving, in my opinion, is читать дальшеone of the most genuine of holidays. Yeah, Sure it’s about the feast too, but its mainly about showing your gratitude for whatever may have happened over the year(s). Showing your thanks to God, family, friends…. It is a time of reflection and recognizing all the blessings in your life that sometimes get overlooked during our busy lifestyles. Ok, it’s about the sweet potato casserole with the tiny marshmallows on top, too.
— For me, this year has been quite a whirlwind. It is sometimes hard to wrap your head around all the blessings in your life at the moment, but looking back at this past year truly takes my breathe away. That’s not to say that there haven’t been some heartaches and disappointments, but I know that all of those speed bumps have brought me to where I am right now.
— Over the course of these past 12 months Ive done things I dreamt of as a little girl and experienced things I never saw coming. I have so many things to be grateful for. A loving family, a handful of trustworthy friends, an exciting job that I look forward to, genuine supporters, and an extremely adorable dog just to name a few. God has given me a life that I far from deserve and I know that all the glory goes to Him.
I also want to thank all of you for supporting what I love to do. You all completely and utterly rock my face off. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you and I appreciate you more than these words on my tumblr could ever express.
—Also, this Thanksgiving marks the 2 year anniversary of knowing everyone involved with Pretty Little Liars. Troian, Shay, Ashley and I were all in Vancouver for Thanksgiving in 2009 to begin shooting the first episode of PLL. I remember vividly sitting at the dinner table, eating a turkey day meal that a lovely Canadian restaurant whipped up for us since we were away from home. Specifically I remember thinking about how our lives were going to change and that we were all a part of something extremely special. So, happy anniversary to my Pretty Little Liars fam
Now…go eat and show some love to everyone you care about!
Cambio и Killer Digital начали сотрудничество нацеленное на привлечение актеров, которые желают заняться созданием фильмов и режиссурой короткометражек. Келлан Латс («Сумерки»), Тройэн Беллесарио( «Милые обманщицы»), Нина Добрев («Дневники вампира») и Кевин Джонас из The Jonas Brothers уже участвуют в проекте. Короткометражки появятся на сайте Cambio, так же будут показаны он-лайн интервью с Кристин Вачон и режиссерами. Первые фильмы начнут появляться на сайте уже в следующем году. Полностью статья тут